Where to, miss?
Hi! Crenshaw and Hawthorne, at the Holiday Inn that is on that corner.
Sure thing. So, where are you flying in from?
From China.
Really? You don’t look very Chinese to me, if you don’t mind me saying so.
It’s fine. I am actually from Mexico. I was in China on a business trip, visiting some local companies that manufacture bathroom products.
Wow sounds interesting! Excuse me if I am being a bit nosy but, how old are you?
Don’t you know it’s rude to ask a lady her age?
Don’t get me wrong! It’s just that you seem so young and already doing business overseas!
Well thank you! In that case, I am 26 years old, and what about yourself?
I am 40 years old and was born and raised here in the good old U.S of A, although I have some Colombian heritage.
Really? That’s great! Do you speak some Span- ish?
Uh... yeah.. of course!
Que bien! Entonces podemos hablar en espanol!